Saxelby Cheesemongers

New York, NY

Saxelby Cheesemongers is New York City's first all-American cheese purveyor specializing in domestic cheeses from upstate New York, the Midwest, and beyond — as well as a champion of sustainable dairy farming and regenerative agriculture. Looking to supplement brick-and-mortar sales during the pandemic, founder, author, and cheese guru Anne Saxelby engaged District One to fine-tune the shop’s digital presence and launch their first digital ads ever.

After performing a comprehensive technical audit of the brand’s website back-end, implementing structured data, and streamlining front-end user experience, we boosted SEO ranking for numerous coveted cheesy keywords, drove overall social media traffic, and drove overall e-commerce revenue significantly within the first quarter. We’ve also led more advanced technical integrations including email automation and subscription services.


Overthrow Hospitality Group


Sông Cái Distillery